DealerTool Kit only


Covers older models with 16-pin diag connector

1x Diagnostic interface lead & Software

1x ECU key registration

Combined DealerTool Kit and Adapter


Covers all models with the 6-pin diag connector, except 400cc and motocross

1x Diagnostic interface lead & Software

1x ECU key registration

1x 6-pin to 16-pin adapter cable

6-Pin to 16-pin Adapter Cable only


Required to allow your DealerTool to work with the newer 6-pin bikes

Necessary for newer 6-pin OBD bikes.

1x Additional ECU key


Required to run DealerTool on an additional bike after the one free code has been used.

Unrestricted DealerTool Kit


Will give you unlimited access to as many supported models as needed

2x USB-A Ports needed for this version

Will need an adapter plug purchased separately for 6-pin bikes.

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